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The Humanoid Project

My favourite unit from last year with my Year 7 class was The Humanoid Project. This unit of work hits all the AC standards for Statistics and can be adapted for Year 7 or 9. It comes from the amazing resource that is YuMi Maths which is worth checking out. 

The basic idea is:

I made a video of our class doing the project, which I have posted below. The orginal video was five minutes long and included footage of students talking about everything they had to measure and calculate, and what they did well and could have done better.

In the director's cut I've posted here you can see:

  • The opening page which is a poster a couple of students created. This features images depicting the categorical data we collected as a class of our favourite things like food, sport and drinks.
  • You can see the students drawing, cutting and sticking up the body parts they had created. The dimensions were based on the mean measurements of the class's bodies. The students had to measure each others' dimensions like arm length and foot length right down to ear height and lip width! You can also see the students pinning up their graphs they created on excel. 
  • Next you see the FakeBook page we made for our robot thanks to This was a modified activity to engage some students on substantial PPLs allowing them to engage with the data in a familiar way.
  • We even managed a moment of cross-curricular integration when a couple of students used their skills from Digital Tech class and created an interactive program where the user can talk to the robot about their interests!
Here's the video:

When I gave a workshop at the MASA/SASTA STEM conference in December 2022, The Humanoid Project seemed to be the thing that grabbed particpants attention the most. I would love to hear from one of them to hear if anyone has used it!


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